Beyond Academic

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School Activities

Gymnastics Divinity Club
Aerobics Karate Club
Computer Literary Club
Paper Recycling Football Club
Library Painting & Sketching
Art and Craft Scientific Club
Environment Club Music Club
Hindi Singing Active Sports
English Singing Yoga
Dance Creative Writing

Personality Development

Personality and Grooming classes have been introduced in the School. Good grooming is the fastidious art of taking care of oneself and of being immaculately neat from head to toe, whereby everything is used with discrimination and taste. Children are made familiar with their assets and drawbacks so that they learn to project their good points and camouflage their drawbacks.

The following are the topics children are being taught

  • - Social Etiquette
  • - Party Etiquette
  • - Restaurant Etiquette
  • - Conversation Skills
  • - Inter-Personal Communication Skills
  • - General Awareness

Workshops on Personality and Grooming are periodically held in the School for both the students and the teachers.


Performing Arts

The BKJ’s Apple Orchard School encourages participation in the performing arts in various ways, including:

  • Supporting students and faculty who create and perform in dance, music, and multi-disciplinary work
  • Sponsoring experiences for students to attend diverse professional concerts and performances and often to meet the artists
  • Providing mini-grants for student-led performing arts endeavors
  • Collaborating with a number of departments and entities on campus who integrate the performing arts in order to further their multi-disciplinary goals
  • Organizing pop-up performances in unexpected venues across the campus in order to make our creative inquiries visible and accessible to the entire campus

We believes that study and performance in  dance, and music greatly enrich an undergraduate education, not only for majors, but also for the wider campus community. We are eager to grow and develop collaborations both within and beyond our campus.



‘Healthy Mind In a healthy Body’, and ‘Healthy Body in a Healthy Mind’.

Sports helps an individual much more than in the physical aspects alone. It builds character, teaches and develops strategic thinking, analytical thinking, leadership skills, goal setting and risk taking. We are all well aware of the fact that participating in sports/physical activity develops the five components of fitness, namely: strength, speed, skill, stamina and flexibility.

Sports help students study better, improves concentration, problem solving, memory. Sports teaches one to develop the following:

  1. Team spirit
  2. Leadership skills.
  3. Fairplay
  4. Never give up.
  5. Focus


Competition can be a double-edged sword for kids, promoting positive values under the right conditions but creating negative environments that are demotivating under the wrong ones. Competition can be healthy when it provides feedback to kids about their performance and improvement, when winning is not the sole or primary objective, and when kids get to learn about themselves under challenging situations. Under these circumstances, competition can teach invaluable lessons our children do not typically learn in the classroom. Unfortunately, the frequent win-at-all costs mentality associated with many competitive endeavors can undermine children’s motivation and lead them to avoid or even disengage from activities they may otherwise enjoy. It is critical that coaches, educators, and parents work to teach kids these valuable lessons from competition. That way, win or lose, our children will learn, grow, and be better prepared for life, which (like competition) provides highlights, adversity, and continual opportunities to play well with others and treat opponents with dignity and respect. At our school we are helping them to get ready for all stages of life.



Clubs enable students to meet, mix, and collaborate with other students from different backgrounds in a different environment. They are pushed outside of their comfort zone and encouraged to socialise with people they are not very familiar with. Though the first meetings and activities may seem awkward for them, they will soon form meaningful relationships and friendships, which is vital in the lives of adolescents.

BKJ’s Apple Orchard School provide plenty of opportunities for students to take on leadership roles and show off their talents through club activities. Thanks to these, they are able to discover that they can actually be productive and successful in many other ways outside the classroom. This boosts their level of confidence and their sense of independence.



The ability to code gives a new perspective to problem-solving. From beginners to professionals, anyone will tell you that writing codes can get quite challenging. Through coding, children learn to quickly fix and try again in different ways when something doesn’t work out. Coding also equips kids with the ability to stick with a problem and work on finding a solution. This problem-solving technique is transferable to a lot of other fields.

Coding will enable them to do anything, starting from creating games and apps, designing animations, and much more. And, of course, it’s fun! Even if your child wants to do something outside of computer science when they grow up, their coding skills will prove helpful across fields—coding teaches problem-solving, organization, math, storytelling, designing, and more.

Most importantly, the ability to code transforms kids from passive consumers into innovative creators, with eyes that see every piece of technology as more than just a toy but as a problem to solve and an opportunity to create.